琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-5 10:34:02

19.16 自动化和包络提示——REAPER用户手册中文版

19.16 Automation and Envelope Tips
19.16 自动化和包络提示

19.16.1 Changing FX Parameter Envelope Colors
19.16.1 更改FX参数包络颜色
The Theme Development Tweaker (Chapter 12) can be used to change the colors used for envelopes. Open the Actions List and run the Theme tweak/development window action. Customised colors can be selected for standard track and item envelopes (such as volume, pan, mute).
In addition, up to four customised colors are available for FX parameter envelopes: these are labelled within the tweaker FX parameter1, FX parameter 2, FX parameter 3 and FX parameter 4.
These colors are applied to your FX parameter envelopes in groups of four. For example, if you automate six FX parameters on a track:
The FX parameter 1 color will be applied to the first and fifth parameter.
The FX parameter 2 color will be applied to the second and sixth parameter.
The FX parameter 3 color will be applied to the third parameter.
The FX parameter 4 color will be applied to the fourth parameter.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-5 10:34:15

19.16.2 Envelope Color Overrides
19.16.2 包络颜色覆盖
Envelope color overrides offer you a greater capability to customise the colors used for your envelopes. To use it to its full extent you will need to understand something about boolean logic, explained in Chapter 6. To access this feature, choose Options, Preferences, Appearance, Envelope Colors. The number of ways in which this can be used is almost limitless, and everyone will have their own ideas. Here are some example.
To create an override rule, click the Add button then create your definition. Here are two simple examples.
You might use a variety of compressors and often need to automate ratio and threshold. You can define a color override so that ratio and threshold envelopes always use your preferred color, regardless of the actual plug-in.
1. Click on the Add button. You will be asked to type a name. Type ratio, click OK.
2. Double click on the color shown, select your color and click OK.
3. Click again on Add, type thresh, click OK pick a color as before and click OK.
4. For both of these, if Enabled is not selected by default, click in the Enabled column to enable them. You should see a mark (as shown on the right).
5. Now add a compressor of your choice to any track and add envelopes for both ratio and threshold. They should conform to your color choices.
Let’s get a bit more clever. We might use delay and reverb often in our mixes, and also often want to automate the wet parameter. We also want to color code the envelopes so it is visually obvious whether this is a delay envelope or a reverb one. The rules shown here (right) will achieve this.
Note that you will need to type spaces both before and after the AND.
Now let’s throw a spanner in the works!
Suppose your FX library includes a reverb plugin that doesn’t have “verb” in its name? Let’s call it “SuperDoop.” What then? You can edit the rule to allow for this!
We amend the second rule to read: ( Super OR verb ) AND wet
( Super OR verb ) AND wet
Note that a space is required after opening and before closing brackets. Spaces are required before and after the OR and the AND.
You can also use a NOT operator. For example, look at these two rules: gain AND rea and gain NOT rea
您也可以使用NOT语法。            例如,看看这两条规则:
gain AND rea and gain NOT rea
This would allow you to apply separate color coding to a Gain parameter depending on whether it is one of the Cockos Rea plug-ins or not.
That should give you enough ideas to get you started! The better your understanding of boolean logic, the greater use you will be able to make of this facility.
Note also:
The Remove button will remove a currently selected rule from the list. The Export button can be used to export your current overrides to a .EnvColorList file. The Import button can be used to import any previously exported color list file.
Note: If (presumably in error) two or more of your rules contradict each other, then REAPER will apply whichever one is higher up in the list.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-5 10:36:12

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