琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-4 17:28:42

8.12 固定媒体对象子轨——REAPER用户手册中文版

8.12 Fixed Media Item Lanes
8.12 固定媒体对象子轨

Prerequisites: Before approaching this section you will need an understanding of REAPER’s recording techniques, and in particular layered recording. If necessary, you can refer back to sections 3.1 to 3.5 and section 3.14. Familiarity with at least the basics of REAPER’s legacy takes system is also recommended.
Media item lanes offer you a way of working that goes beyond the limitations of REAPER’s basic track structure.
By default, media items will fill the entire vertical space of the track on which they are recorded. If the media items overlap, they are auto-arranged vertically based on your preferences. The vertical positioning of media items does not affect playback. Media items that overlap interact during playback according to the project settings (Project settings, Advanced, Item mix behavior), preferences settings (Preferences, Project, Item fade defaults, Preferences, Appearance, Zoom/Scroll/Offset), track settings, and/or media item properties for item mix behavior (see above right). If media item and project settings are different from each other, the media item setting will apply.
With free item positioning you can freely position and resize media items within the vertical space of the track. If auto-crossfade is enabled, media items that overlap vertically will crossfade. Otherwise, the vertical positioning of media items does not affect playback. The preferences for item mix behavior are ignored; items always mix on free item positioning tracks.
Fixed media item lanes offer you further tools and techniques for building projects. They can be used to record, layer, edit, manage and comp material. The simplest way to think of them is like being tracks within tracks. Up to 128 lanes can be recorded within a single track. As you will see, REAPER then gives you multiple options to treat these tracks individually or as linked (such as by comping) or in other ways related, as you wish.
Let’s start with the basics! To give you some idea of where we’re eventually going here is a relatively simple application of media item lanes:
Look at the above illustration. Notice:
 The track shown comprises three lanes, labeled in a lanes panel (top to bottom) C1, 1 and 2.
 Lanes 1 and 2 are two takes of the same tune. Lane C1 is a work in progress comp of the best parts of lanes 1 and 2.
 To the right side of the track panel a new section has been added: this shows (in this case) three labeled buttons as well as housing its own right-click context menu.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-4 17:29:00

8.12.1 Recording and Layering Media Items -Example
8.12.1 录制和分层媒体对象-示例
We can begin by working through a relatively straightforward example, to help understand the basics, then go on to consider more powerful and complex models.
1. Make sure that the following conditions are set on your Options menu: Record mode normal Offset overlapping media items vertically New recording that overlaps existing media items then either Add lanes or (if you prefer) Add lanes (layer new lanes). This latter option should only be chosen if you wish to play the new material along with any existing lanes.
1.确保在“选项”菜单上设置了以下条件: “录音模式: 正常”,“垂直偏移重叠的媒体对象”,“新录音与现有媒体对象重叠时”,或“添加子轨”或(如果愿意)“添加子轨(分层新子轨)”。只有当您希望将新素材与任何现有子轨一起播放时,才应选择后一个选项。
2. Create a new, empty project file (Ctrl N). Add a track and either (using an instrument of your choice) record a tune for about a minute, or import an existing media file.
3. Insert a new track after your recorded track. Expand its height to be similar to that shown above.
4. Now record, one at a time, two takes of a second instrument, to go with your first track, both on the same track, one over the top of the other. When finished, disarm the record button.
Your arrange view display should now be something like this (below right).
There’s a lot to see here, including those buttons, so let’s make sure we understand what’s happened.
Two separate media items have been recorded and are displayed in lanes one above the other. By default, only one item will play back: there are options to change this, for example, to play a selection of lanes, or all lanes. They each exhibit all the properties of any media item, for example:
两个单独的媒体对象已录制并一个在另一个之上的显示在子轨中。默认情况下,只有一个对象会播放: 有一些选项可以更改,例如,播放选中的子轨或全部子轨。它们各自展示了任何媒体对象的所有属性和功能,例如:
 You can double click on any item to access and edit its media properties, such as pitch, pan, etc.
 Keep in mind that Options, Preferences, Appearance, Media will allow you, for example, to add a volume knob or FX button to items: you can then add FX and FX parameter envelopes.
 You can split items and edit individual segments independently of each other.
 You can set the default height for fixed item lanes to small or big (Options, Preferences, Project, Track/Send Defaults).

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-4 17:29:12

8.12.2 Managing Items
8.12.2 管理对象
In this next section, we will look at managing and editing your media items.
Right click over (or just below) either of the buttons to display a context menu. Note that this includes a set of three playback commands - Play only (selected) lane, Toggle playing lane and Play all lanes. Where there are multiple lanes, you can select any number of lanes to be played back by Ctrl click on the lane names.
When layering, the tricks and techniques described below are at your disposal.
Menu option/Mouse option Comments
菜单选项/鼠标选项 注释
Select playback lane(s) from menu
Click on a lane’s button/ Right click in lanes panel, select Play only lane, Toggle playing lane or Play all lanes from menu.
Select lanes to play
Click on first lane’s button then use Ctrl click to build selection.
Select items
Selects all media items in currently selected lane.
Duplicate items to new lane
Copies all media items in currently selected lane into a new lane. Use this, for example, if you have “dry” recorded material and you want to experiment with editing and/or using FX,
Recording, Record into lane
Recording, Record into first available lane
Recording, Layer new lanes
Select lane for recording and choose Recording, Record into lane from menu. A red dot will be displayed. Can be used, for example, for overdub recording, as shown here. You can also enable Play only this lane. If Record into first available lane is disabled, a new lane will be created for every recording. If Layer new lanes is enabled then new lanes will play alongside any lanes that are already playing: otherwise the new lane is the only one that will be played.
Toggle a track’s fixed item lane status on/off
Right click over the track’s control panel and use the toggle command Fixed item lanes on the context menu.
Add empty lane at bottom
Adds lane as last lane in track. Media items can be dragged from elsewhere and dropped inside this lane.
Delete, Automatically delete empty lanes at bottom of track
Will remove any unwanted empty lanes at bottom of track.
Insert new empty lane above this lane
Inserts an empty lane as specified. Use drag and drop to insert previously recorded media items into this lane. This could be a reference track to be played with new recorded items. You can use Record into an existing lane to record into it.
Insert a media item into a new lane.
Drag and drop the item into the diagonally striped parking area located below the last lane.
Rename lane
By default lanes are named in sequence - 1,2, 3 etc. To rename any lane, double-click on the lane name, type the name and click OK.
Media item playback option
Option for Media items in higher numbered lanes to mask playback of lower lanes.
Delete lanes (with submenu).
Options to Delete lanes (inc media items), Delete all other lanes, Delete all lanes with no media items, Delete lanes (inc media) that are not playing, Delete lanes (inc media) with no comp areas and Delete all lanes (inc media items).
Item colors (with submenu)
Set all items that share the same media source to the same random color or Set items in all lanes to one color per lane.
Manage lane display options
Disable/enable fixed lanes
Right-click on lane collapse button for toggle options for Big/small lanes, to Show/play only one lane (Shift click), to Hide fixed lane buttons (Alt click) and to Disable fixed lanes (hide non-playing lanes).
Change selected lane when height is in collapsed state
Click on Up/Down arrows on the single displayed track button.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-4 17:29:23

8.12.3 Comping with Media Item Lanes
8.12.3 拼合媒体对象子轨
Using your mouse you can quickly and easily build a comp (or comps) from your media item lanes. One important difference between this and REAPER’s legacy comping system is that the material is comped into new items. Your original items are not modified in any way.
To turn comping on in a new lane, from the lane panel’s context menu choose Comping, Comp into new empty lane. A new lane will be inserted above the existing lanes. Shown here, it is labeled C1 - Rename lane from the context menu lets you change this.
To toggle comping on/off in an existing lane, double-click on the required lane button.
It’s a good practice to finish any edits on your source media items before you begin comping.
Comping, Allow editing source media while comping can be toggled on/off from the context menu. Even with this option turned off you will still be able to perform edits on the contents of comped lanes.
Use left drag to define areas to be comped. Shown here an area has been selected from each of the two media lanes. They do not meet up. To fix this, simply drag the border on either of the two areas towards the other, as shown below left. You can then if you wish drag this border either left or right to adjust the relative comp areas, as shown below right.
The vertical yellow marker lines in comp lanes can be used to adjust the borders between segments. Note that comping actions copy the comped segments as new media items. The items in comp lanes can be edited (e.g. by adding FX or fades) without affecting the original media in the source lanes in any way. Below is a summary table of various comping tasks, commands and actions.
Context menu command Items in Comp Lane - Comments
上下文菜单命令    拼合子轨中的对象——注释
Split comp area here
Splits comp area at current cursor position.
Delete comp area
Deletes comp area under mouse cursor and removes media from comp.
Delete comp area but not media items
Removes comp area but leaves media item in place.
Delete comp area edge
Removes edge line between two comp areas in same lane.
Add comp area at time selection
Adds a comp area matching current time selection.
Panel context menu Comments (see also Managing Comp Lanes, below)
面板上下文菜单    注释(另请参见下面的管理拼合子轨)
Comping, Delete comp area inc source media
Removes all comp areas from selected lane along with the actual media.
Comping, Turn off comping
Turns comping off. To turn it back on, use one of the Comp into … commands explained below.
Track panel context menu Comments
轨道面板上下文菜单    注释
Fixed item lanes
Toggles fixed item lanes status on/off.
REAPER Options menu Comments
REAPER选项菜单    注释
Offset overlapping items vertically
Can be toggled off if you wish to show cross-faded comped material overlapping.
Snap/grid, Snap/grid settings
Toggle options to Snap media items to media items in other fixed lanes and Snap fixed lane comp area to media items.
Tip: Working with comp lanes can involve a lot of mouse movements, and especially dragging. It can be quite tricky at first, and you might find that you slip up from time to time! A handy tip is to keep your Undo History window open so that if you do get into strife you can easily go back to your last known safe spot.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-4 17:29:33

8.12.4 Managing Multiple Comp Lanes
8.12.4 管理多个拼合子轨
To add additional comp lanes, from the context menu choose Comp into a new empty lane. You can drag and drop this new lane up or down the lane order.
To make a copy of a currently active comp lane for further editing either use the context menu command Comping, Comp into a new empty lane, automatically creating comp area.
These commands, as well as Comping, Comp into new copy of this lane and Comping, Comp into this lane, are also available on the track panel’s right click context menu.
When you have multiple comping lanes to change which one is active Shift Ctrl click over the lane button.
To make an empty media lane into a comp lane, Double click on its panel button.
There is also a menu option Comping, Refresh comp areas with no matching media in comping lanes.
See Mouse Modifiers for Power Users for a full list of relevant mouse modifiers.
Mouse Gestures in Comp Lanes and Media Lanes
By default you can edit media items in comp lanes in the same way as other media items. To make this possible without interfering with your comping, you will see that comp lanes are horizontally divided into two areas. When the comp lane is selected the larger upper area behaves like any normal track. You can make time selections, edit media items and so on by using your mouse in this area. The smaller lower area can be used for comping - for example, to drag and move comp borders. For example, you can make a time selection in the upper area, then right click in the lower area within that selection and Add comp area at time selection. This will insert two yellow marker lines and create an empty area that you can fill later. This will not apply to your media lanes if you have Allow editing source media while comping disabled.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-4 17:29:50

8.12.5 Editing Media Items
8.12.5 编辑媒体对象
Ideally you’ll want to finish media item edits before comping. However, you might need to make edits to one or more of your items after you have begun comping.
In this case, you can enable editing using the context menu toggle command Comping, Allow editing of source media while comping. The display changes, as shown on the right. The top half of each source lane is where you make your edits. The bottom half highlights your comped segments, as shown here (right).
Your editing can include fades and/or crossfades. Any fades/crossfades applied to media in the source media lanes will also be applied in the comp lane. However, the fades in the comp lane can be edited independently if you wish, as shown here (below right).
Double-click in the crossfade area if you want to access the crossfade editor.
It is possible that in making your edits your source item could now get out of sync with your your comp lane. Happily, the area of the source lane that was originally copied to the comping lane will remain highlighted: clicking there is one way to restore the original comp area and remove whatever edits were made in that lane.
在进行编辑时,您的源对象可能会与您的拼合子轨不同步。幸好,最初复制到拼合子轨的源子轨区域将保持高亮显示: 单击有一种方法可以恢复原始拼合区,并删除在该子轨中进行的任何编辑。
Another option is to use re-comping: choose Comping, Copy edited media items to new lane and recomp (Shift left click) from the comp area context menu. This will preserve comp lane edits by moving them to a new source lane and creating a new comp area so that the edits are copied right back to the comp lane. Thus, the edits become a new source lane alternative which is available for you to use while comping.
另一个选项是使用重新拼合: 在拼合区上下文菜单中选择“拼合”、“复制编辑后的媒体对象到新子轨并重新拼合”(按住Shift键并单击鼠标左键)。这将通过将编辑移动到新的源子轨并创建新的拼合区来保留拼合子轨编辑,以便将编辑直接复制回拼合子轨。因此,编辑将成为一个新的源子轨备选方案,可供您在拼合时使用。
Other options are Copy all edited media items to new lane and re-comp, Copy edited media items back to source lane and re-comp and for unsynced media items Discard media item edits and recomp from source lane.
其他选项包括: “复制全部编辑后的媒体对象到新子轨并重新拼合”、“复制编辑后的媒体对象回源子轨并重新拼合”,对于未同步的媒体对象,“放弃媒体对象编辑并从源子轨重新拼合”。
When you have finished editing, remember to disable Allow editing of source media while comping.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-4 17:30:03

8.12.6 Sealing the Deal
8.12.6 封存处理
So … you’ve finished editing and comping your media items, what now? You might wish to protect your comps from any accidental damage. You have a number of options. For example, two possibilities are:
那么... 你已经完成了媒体对象的编辑和拼合,现在呢?您可能希望保护您的电脑免受任何意外损坏。你有很多选择。例如,有两种可能性:
 Right-click on the comp lane’s control button and choose Show only lane from the context menu. This will collapse the track as shown here. Marquee all items in the comp lane, press F2 to open the Media Item Properties window. Select Lock then OK. From the track panel context menu disable Fixed Item Lanes for this track. ..or...
 Marquee all items in the comp lane then Ctrl drag and drop to copy to a new track. With all items still selected, press F2 to open the Media Item Properties window. Select Lock then OK.
Use the Track Manager to mute and hide your original track.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-4 17:30:13

8.12.7 Converting Takes to Lanes
8.12.7 转换片段为子轨
Existing tracks that using REAPER’s legacy takes system can be converted to fixed item lanes. Select the track, from the right click menu choose either Fixed item lanes or Fixed item lanes (convert takes to lanes).
Thus this … Becomes this ...
Then, after turning on Comping, Comp into new empty lane.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-4 17:30:26

8.12.8 Mouse Modifiers for Power Users
8.12.8 适用于高级用户的鼠标修改键
Here are REAPER’s default mouse modifiers and some actions. Chapter 15 shows how these can be customised.
Mouse Modifiers
【译者注: 下面的修改键翻译君采用语言包中对应条目的翻译,因此某些翻译和此处的原文描述有所出入。】
Fixed lane comp area - Left drag
Default action Move comp area.
默认操作 行为:移动拼合区
Shift Move comp area ignoring snap.
Shift 行为:移动拼合区(忽略吸附)
Ctrl Copy both comp area & media item.
Ctrl 行为:一起复制拼合区和媒体对象
Shift Ctrl Dito, together ignoring snap.
Shift+Ctrl 行为:一起复制拼合区和媒体对象(忽略吸附)
Alt Move comp area and media items.
Alt 行为:移动拼合区和媒体对象
Shift Alt Move comp area & media items, no snap.
Shift+Alt 行为:移动拼合区和媒体对象(忽略吸附)
Shift Ctrl Alt Move comp area and adjacent comp area edges ignoring snap.
Shift+Ctrl+Alt 行为:移动拼合区和相邻拼合区边缘(忽略吸附)
Fixed lane comp area - Left click
固定子轨拼合区 - 左键单击
Default action Move comp area to lane under mouse.
默认操作 行为:移动拼合区到鼠标下的子轨
Shift Comping, Copy edited media items to new lane and re-comp
Shift 行为:复制编辑后的媒体对象到新子轨并重新拼合
Alt Delete comp area including media item.
Alt 行为:删除拼合区(包括媒体对象)
Shift Alt Heal comp area with previous adjacent comp area in same lane.
Shift+Alt 行为:与同一子轨上的相邻拼合区癒合成拼合区
Ctrl Alt Delete comp area but not media item.
Ctrl+Alt 行为:删除拼合区,但不删除媒体对象
Shift Ctrl Alt Extend comp area to next comp area or end of media.
Shift+Ctrl+Alt 行为:扩展拼合区到下一个拼合区或媒体末尾
Fixed lane comp area - Double click
固定子轨拼合区 - 双击
Shift Set loop points to comp area.
Shift 行为:设置循环点到拼合区
Ctrl Extend comp area to next comp area or end of media.
Ctrl 行为:扩展拼合区到下一个拼合区或媒体末尾
Fixed lane header button - Left click
固定子轨标题按钮 - 左键单击
Default Play only this lane.
默认操作 行为:仅播放此子轨
Ctrl Toggle playing this lane.
Ctrl 行为:切换播放此子轨
Alt Play only this lane while mouse button is pressed.
Alt 行为:按下鼠标按钮时,仅播放此子轨
Fixed lane header button - Double click
固定子轨标题按钮 - 双击
Default action Comp into lane.
默认操作 行为:拼合到子轨
Shift Select items in lane.
Shift 行为:选择子轨上的对象
Ctrl Toggle playing this lane.
Ctrl 行为:切换播放此子轨
Shift Ctrl Insert lane.
Shift+Ctrl 行为:插入子轨
Alt Delete lane (including media items).
Alt 行为:删除子轨(包括媒体对象)
Fixed lane comp area global options:
There are three checkboxes at the bottom of the fixed lane comp area mouse modifier pages. These are:
 For media item edge edits in comping lane to also affect media item edges in source lane.
 To avoid empty track space when clicking source lane.
 To avoid empty track space when editing a comp area.
The last two of these can be enabled to limit comp area edits to within media item edges.
Assignable Actions
The actions list includes numerous fixed lane comp area actions which can be assigned to keyboard shortcuts, or toolbar buttons, or as mouse modifiers. Here is a brief summary of categories. For more detailed descriptions of options, see the Actions List (Actions, Show actions list).
Add comp area for lane under mouse
Move comp area up/down
Set loop points (inc with half or one second preroll/postroll)
Split comp area
Split media items
Move comp area
Razor edit: create comp area
剃刀编辑: 创建拼合区
Copy comp lane items
Delete comp areas
Move items down to next available lane
Delete lanes
Turn comping on/off
Explode takes on selected tracks to fixed lanes
Set various options for all fixed lane tracks

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-4 17:30:57

8.12.9 Preferences and Options
8.12.9 首选项和选项
REAPER’s Appearance, Track Control Panel preferences settings include an option to specify default behavior when clicking on the fixed lane collapse button. This can be set to toggle between showing one or many lanes, and displaying big lanes or small lanes.
Project, Track/Send Defaults includes an option to make fixed item lanes the default for new tracks. Other default options include small or big lanes, show/play only one lane, hide lane buttons, allow editing of source media while comping, record into first available lane, create comp areas for new recording while comping.
“工程”、“轨道/发送默认设置”包括一个选项,用于将固定对象子轨设为新轨道的默认子轨。其他默认选项包括“小子轨 ”或“大子轨”、“仅显示/播放一条子轨”、“隐藏子轨按钮”、“允许在拼合时编辑源媒体”、“录制到第一条可用子轨”、“在拼合时为新录音创建拼合区”。

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-12-22 14:02:24

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