琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-4 15:45:24

7.3 使用鼠标修改键超驰控制功能编辑——REAPER用户手册中文版

7.3 Power Editing with Mouse Modifier Overrides
7.3 使用鼠标修改键超驰控制功能编辑

You have already encountered several of REAPER’s mouse modifiers: these are what gives you the ability to use your mouse to perform so many tasks: for example, when razor editing - Alt right drag to make a selection, Ctrl left drag to copy a selection, and so on. There’s a section dedicated to mouse modifiers in more detail later in this chapter.
您已经遇到了REAPER的几个鼠标修改键:正是这些使您能够使用鼠标执行许多任务: 例如,在进行Razor编辑时,Alt右键拖拽以构建选择,Ctrl左键拖拽以复制选择,等等。本章后面有一节专门介绍鼠标修改键的详细信息。
REAPER’s mouse modifiers have to handle so many diverse tasks beyond just razor editing that finding your way around them can be a clumsy process. A solution to this is to be able to create your own alternative set of modifiers all relevant to a particular task (in this case razor editing), so that you can focus on that task alone.
By clicking on the razor edit toolbar icon (shown above) you are able to activate an alternative set of arrange view modifiers dedicated specifically to razor editing, all using the left mouse button. The button lights up and becomes animated. You can define the various modifiers as you wish.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-4 15:45:41

7.3.1 Power Editing with Razor Edits
7.3.1 使用Razor编辑进行便利编辑
There are four alternative Arrange View sets available (for different types of activity), as explained later in the Mouse Modifiers section.
Razor editing uses alternative set B.
Options, Preferences, Editing Behavior, Mouse modifiers, opens the mouse modifiers page. From the Context list, select Arrange view override B.
As you can see, some tasks have already been defined - for example, left drag will Select the razor edit area, You can change any of the default assignments, and/or assign tasks to those that are currently not used. For example, to change Shift left drag to Add to the current selection you would do this:
1. Double click in the Behavior column in the Ctrl row. This will display a menu of tasks and commands. Click on Select razor edit area then Add to selection.
2. Click on Apply.
Assignments can be made to unassigned modifiers (such as Ctrl) in the same way.
One benefit of this is that you can now do all your razor editing without needing to engage the right mouse button.
To remove any of your assignments, double click on it in the Behavior column and select Default action.
REAPER’s default assignments for other contexts - such as Razor edit area will still apply.
For example, Ctrl left drag will still move a selected razor edit area. These assignments too can be changed.
To disable the Arrange View B mouse modifiers and restore REAPER’s default assignments, simply click the razor editing button on the task bar again. The button will cease to be illuminated or animated.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-4 15:45:53

7.3.2 Power Editing with General Editing
7.3.2 用常规编辑进行便利编辑
Power editing when using marquee is even simpler than it is for razor editing. Click on the marquee button on the toolbar to activate it. The button will become illuminated and animated.
The various marquee tasks that you have been performing with your right mouse button can now be accomplished using the left button. Choose Options, Preferences, Mouse Modifiers and select Arrange view override A if you wish to change any of these.
Also as with Arrange view override B, click on the marquee button again to deactivate it and restore REAPER’s default assignments. The button will cease to be illuminated or animated.
Tip: Even if you prefer not to use these alternative mouse modifiers A and/or B for marquee/razor editing, you might still find them handy. There are many other tasks you can assign them to (e.g. scrolling, scrubbing), in which case they can be activated/deactivated from the Actions List and assigned to toolbar buttons.
提示: 即使你不喜欢使用这些替代鼠标修改键A或B进行选框/Razor编辑,你可能仍然会觉得它们很方便。您可以将它们分配给许多其他任务(例如滚动、擦带),在这种情况下,可以从操作列表中激活/禁用它们,并将其分配给工具栏按钮。

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-4 15:47:34

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