琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:46:37

22.14 自定义UI调整(PC)——REAPER用户手册中文版

22.14 Custom UI Tweaks (PC)
22.14 自定义UI调整(PC)

The General page of the Options, Preferences window includes an Advanced UI/System tweaks button which enables you to further customize REAPER’s on-screen appearance.
There are some differences between PC (Windows) options and Mac (OS) options. Shown right are the options for PC users:
Custom Splash Screen - A .BMP or .PNG file.
Use large window frames for windows.
Scale UI Elements (e.g. buttons on toolbars). Can be useful if using high screen resolution.
This can be used to display some screen elements as larger (if set above 1.0) or smaller (if set below 1.0)
Allow track envelope/routing windows to stay open. Select this option if you want track routing and envelope windows not to be closed automatically when they use focus.
Advanced system and multiprocessing tweaks to determine how REAPER behaves on a system with two or more processors. Use caution!
How you would like modal windows to be positioned on reopening: Last window position, Center on current screen, Center on mouse cursor or OS positioning.
HiDPI mode (Windows 8.1+): Unaware, Aware, Multi-monitor aware or DPI ignorant.
HiDPI模式(Windows 8.1+):不支持、支持、多显示器支持或DPI忽略。

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:57:38

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