琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:44:27

22.10 插件首选项——REAPER用户手册中文版

22.10 Plug-ins Preferences
22.10 插件首选项

Your two Automatically resize FX windows options, if enabled, will ensure as you browse thru a track's FX chain that the FX window is automatically resized to suit the currently selected FX.
You can specify if floated FX windows should automatically be placed on top, if newly created FX windows should be floated, and if windows should be automatically opened for FX added from the TCP and MCP menus.
You can specify whether or not to auto-dock newly created FX windows and whether you want the Add FX window opened automatically when you open an empty FX chain for a track or media item.
Option for FX chain hidden until added.
The two Positioning drop downs (FX chain positioning and Floating FX positioning) allow you to choose Cascade, Automatic or Modal Default (set in Preferences, General, Advanced). These can be used to ensure that floated FX and/or FX chain windows will, where possible, be positioned other than cascaded on top of each other.
If you enable the option to Only allow one FX chain window open at a time you may also specify whether you want the open window shown to change when you change track selection (Open FX window on track selection change) and whether this is to happen only if an FX window is open.
Display preferences include whether by default to Show FX list on right side of FX chain window and/or Show FX chain buttons above FX list and/or Show comment field above the FX UI.
显示首选项包括默认情况下是否“在FX链窗口的右侧显示FX列表”、“在FX列表上方显示FX链按钮”和“在FX UI上方显示注释字段”。
Option to Use long names prefix for parallel FX.
You can also opt to have track FX added to the item FX button right click menu. This enables you to open these FX directly from this button. You can also:
- Disable Undo points when closing FX windows.
- Specify how many FX to show on the context menu Recently added list and whether current track FX should be shown on the FX button context menu.
You can specify an FX filter string to be applied to all views in the FX browser (e.g. NOT sony if you do not want these plug-ins to be shown). This is as well as to any filter you apply in the FX browser itself.
您可以指定要应用于FX浏览器中所有视图的FX过滤器字符串(例如,如果您不想显示这些sony插件,则输入“ NOT sony ”)。这与您在FX浏览器本身中应用的任何过滤器一样。

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:44:40

22.10.1 Plug-ins, Compatibility
22.10.1 插件:兼容性
Options available include:
 to use pre-zero output buffers (enabled by default).
 to reduce denormalization from plug-ins (enabled by default).
 to specify the automation rate when interpolating between points.
 To disable saving full plug-in state (not recommended).
The global option for plugin bridging was removed in REAPER 6.33: bridging options are now controlled on a per-plugin via FX browser. To follow discussions on how these options can be applied in different situations you should consult the REAPER forums.
REAPER6.33中删除了用于插件桥接的全局选项: 桥接选项现在通过FX浏览器在每个插件上进行控制。要继续讨论如何在不同情况下应用这些选项,您应该咨询REAPER论坛。
Note the option to Terminate REAPER immediately if a plug-in causes a corrupt heap. This will cause REAPER to crash if a buggy or malicious plug-in is detected.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:44:52

22.10.2 Plug-ins, VST
22.10.2 插件:VST
Chapter 1 explained how to locate and enable VST plugins. The VST Compatibility section offers further VST preferences.
You can set VST plug-ins to by default be displayed using REAPER’s UI rather than that plug-ins GUI.
You can determine how to handle VST parameter automation notifications. Options are Ignore when window not open, Ignore when not from UI thread, Ignore all notifications, and Process all notifications.
Other preferences are likely to depend on which plug-ins you are using, because individual plug-ins vary so much in their behavior. You may need to experiment to get the best results.
Hover your mouse over any option to see a Help message at the bottom of the window. For further help, be prepared to ask questions on the REAPER forum. Especially worth noting (for MIDI users) are:
● the options Don't flush synthesizer plug-ins on stop/reset and Don't send note-offs or pitch reset messages on stop/reset.
● to use any VST3 ARA plug-ins (Melodyne 4.2+, Revoice Pro 4+, etc.) then ARA must be enabled (see below).
●要使用任何VST3 ARA插件(Melodyne 4.2+、Revoice Pro 4+等),则必须启用ARA(见下文)。

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:45:05

22.10.3 Plug-ins, ARA
22.10.3 插件:ARA
Options are:
● to Enable ARA for plug-ins that support it - requires restart of REAPER.
● To Pool ARA edits for all copies of same source media by default.
See Melodyne documentation for more information about editing.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:45:21

22.10.4 Plug-ins, LV2/CLAP
22.10.4 插件:LV2/CLAP
Options are available to determine LV2 plugin paths, to re-scan for LV2 plug-ins, and to determine how REAPER is to handle LV2 plugin names (shown right).
For CLAP plug-ins you are able to determine the path list and to re-scan.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:45:38

22.10.5 Plug-ins, ReaScript
22.10.5 插件:ReaScript

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:57:28

22.10.6 Plug-ins, ReWire/DX
22.10.6 插件:ReWire/DX
ReWire options include whether to:
● Allow Rewire mixer support.
● Auto-open panels when opening ReWire devices.
● Run FX on stop when ReWire devices are active.
● Check for ReWire mixer device on startup and automatically enter client mode if present.
● Use alternate configuration file (reaperrewire.ini) when in client mode.
● Specify ReWire client project settings.
Direct-X (DX) options are:
● Enable DX plug-ins.
● Scan DX plug-ins on startup (not required).
● Disable DX plug-in scanning.
● Scan/Rescan all DX plug-ins.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-12-20 14:43:03

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