琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:34:39

22.7 外观首选项——REAPER用户手册中文版

22.7 Appearance Preferences
22.7 外观首选项

The Appearance page lets you customise the look of your REAPER interface, especially the Track Control Panel and Mixer. Settings include:
● Whether to use tooltips for UI elements such as buttons and faders, media items and envelopes, etc.: specify any delay to precede the tooltip being displayed.
●是否对按钮和推子、媒体对象和包络等UI元素使用工具提示: 可以指定显示工具提示之前的延迟时间长度。
● Whether to use faster text rendering .
● Whether to draw vertical text bottom up.
● Whether to show the last undo point on the menu bar (just after the Help command). If enabled, clicking on the text will open the Undo History window.
● Whether to display floating toolbar windows with or without frames.
● Whether to limit the scaling of toolbar buttons. Enabling both these options will prevent the buttons from becoming smaller or larger if you resize the main or floating toolbar.
● Whether to Animate armed toolbar buttons.
● Whether to Animate any toolbar buttons.
● Number of pixels to leave between adjacent tracks - i.e., between the bottom of one media item and the top of the one underneath it. A higher setting may make defining time selections easier.
● Whether to use antialiased fades and envelopes.
● Whether to show horizontal grid lines in automation lanes.
● Whether to use filled automation envelopes, including when Drawn over media: enabled, these color the area below the envelope.
●是否使用填充自动化包络,包括当在媒体上显示: 启用时,这些颜色将为包络下面的区域上色。
● Whether to Highlight the edit cursor over the last selected track.
● Whether to show guidelines when editing.
● Whether to apply solid edges to time selection highlights. and/or loop selection.
● Play cursor width. Default setting is 2 pixels.
● Ruler label spacing: length of increments used for ruler display.
●标尺标签间距: 用于标尺显示的增量长度。
● Whether to show grid lines over, through, or under items.
● Whether to show marker lines over, through, or under items.
● Show dotted grid lines and/or project regions/markers in grid and/or time sig markers in grid.
● Whether to show marker lines over, through or under items.
● Optionally, to divide arrange view vertically by a specified number of measures.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:34:58

22.7.1 Appearance, Media
22.7.1 外观:媒体
For the most part these fall into two main groups - Media item labels and Media item buttons.
Media item labels: Whether to display item take names and/or media item pitch/play rate and/or gain (if set)
媒体对象标签: 是否显示对象片段名称、媒体对象音高/播放速率、增益(如果设置过)。
Whether to draw labels over solid background for easier reading and whether to show labels when item edges are not visible.
You can then choose whether to draw labels above (rather than within) the item when the media item height is more than a specified number of pixels.
Regardless of your preferences settings here, the label will not be displayed if the item height is not tall enough.
Item take pitch rate display can be as normal labels, abbreviated, or numbers only.
Media item buttons: Mostly these are paired - Locked/Not locked, Muted/Not muted, Per take FX/No FX, Automation envelopes/No active envelopes, Notes/No notes. There are also buttons for Item Properties, Item properties only if resampled media, Pooled MIDI, Grouped items and Item volume knob. Any of these can be displayed above your media items. You can also specify Hide buttons when take lane height is less than xx pixels.
媒体对象按钮: 大多数是成对的——已锁定/未锁定、已静音/未静音、片段FX/无FX、自动化包络/无活跃包络、备注/无备注。还有对象属性按钮、只有重采样过的对象显示对象属性按钮、公有化MIDI、编组的对象和对象音量旋钮。其中任何一个都可以显示在媒体对象上方。当片段子轨高度小于xx像素时,也可以指定隐藏按钮。
Enabling Draw selection indicator on items causes selected items to be marked with a small white dot.
An Item volume control handle can also be displayed. The default is No handle, but you can choose to display this either at the top of the item or in the centre of the item.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:35:13

22.7.2 Appearance, Peaks/Waveforms
22.7.2 外观:峰值/波形
These settings define the look of your audio peaks and waveforms.
You can specify whether to Display peaks for media items and/or Display peaks while recording. Optionally, you can specify a minimum height, below which peaks will not be shown.
Options to show peaks Only display peaks for selected tracks and Only display peaks for tracks that are soloed or not muted.
Sample view for zoomed in audio can be set to Dots and lines, Filled, Outlined or Stepped samples, Smooth, Sinc smooth or Dots and sinc.
Other options are Draw waveform zero lines above peaks/waveforms and Fill waveforms to zero line.
You can Scale peaks to pre-FX volume/pan envelopes.
Enabling Draw faint peaks in folder tracks allows the output of a folder's child tracks to be displayed as waveforms in arrange view. You can also Draw faint peaks in automation envelope lanes.
You set MIDI CC lanes in MIDI tracks in arrange view to Do not display CC data, Only the first lane visible in MIDI editor, One lane combining all CC data, or Multiple lanes when space permits (default).
“在排列视图中显示MIDI CC子轨:”
您可以将排列视图中MIDI轨道中的MIDI CC子轨设置为“不显示CC数据”、“只有MIDI编辑器中的第一条子轨可见”、“合并全部CC数据到一条子轨上”或“多条子轨(当空间允许时)(默认)”。
You may also choose to display program names and/or text events in arrange view.
Antialising is a technical issue. Google to learn more, but, in short, enabling antialiasing may give you a more accurate representation: disabling it may cause your peaks to be drawn/redrawn more quickly.
The edges options are cosmetic. Enable them, for example, if you like your peaks bordered when using custom colors, disable them if you don't. These options are disabled by some themes. See Chapter 11 for more information.
Automatically scale MIDI notes and/or drum MIDI will fit the item as displayed in arrange view.
Custom Colors. There are options to Tint media item waveform peaks or Tint item background to any of Track Color, Item Color or Take Color. If more than one option is enabled, then the lowest level has precedence - e.g. take color wins over item and track color. Some themes disable this group of options.
You can set tint strength for media item backgrounds within a range of 0 to 4, where 2 is the system default.
Also in this section is the option Automatically color any recording pass that adds takes to existing media items. This can help to give a clearer picture when you are working with multiple takes.
Remember that you can set custom colors from the Track menu, custom item and take colors from the Item menu. And hover your mouse over any option for further information (if available).

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:35:26

22.7.3 Appearance, Fades/Crossfades
22.7.3 外观:淡变/交叠淡变
These options give you control over media item fades and crossfades. You can:
● Set a minimum item width and/or height for a fade to be editable.
● Enable or disable mouse editing of fade curves and/or fade starts/ends.
● Decide when to display fade and crossfade editing handles.
● Indicate whether you want to use crossfade editor theme colors.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:35:40

22.7.4 Appearance, Zoom/Scroll/Offset
22.7.4 外观:缩放/滚动/偏移
Options are:
● Set vertical zoom center to Track at view center, top of view, last selected track or track under mouse.
● Specify Max vertical zoom % of arrange view height and Envelope lane vertical zoom % of track height.
● Set horizontal zoom center to Edit or play cursor, Edit cursor, Center of view or mouse cursor.
● Set vertical scroll limits relative to track height.
● When project settings enabled to offset overlapping media vertically by what percent of item height to offset, whether to draw as opaque.
● Whether to arrange overlapping media items in the order they were created.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:56:35

22.7.5 Appearance, Track Control Panels
22.7.5 外观:轨道控制面板
Track control panel settings include:
● Whether to use custom track colors as a background color on track labels (in TCP and mixer) and to tint track panels (in TCP and mixer). These options are disabled by some themes. See Chapter 11 for more info.
● Whether to adjust the alignment of TCP controls when track icons or fixed item lanes are used.
● Whether to use track grouping indicators (ribbons or lines).
● When cycling thru folder collapse button select permutation of normal, small, collapsed or hidden to use.
● Set default click/shift click behavior for fixed lane collapse button - big/small or one/many.
The final options are fader options which can be used to restrict the adjustable range of your volume and/or pan faders. The top of the volume range can be set to 0dB or higher. There is also a drop-down box of volume fader shape options: for example, if you set this to 1.0 the fader becomes a log curve, so that linear movement produces a constant dB curve.
最后的选项是推子选项,可用于限制音量和/或声像推子的可调范围。音量范围的顶部可以设置为0dB或更高。还有一个推子形状选项的下拉框: 例如,如果将其设置为1.0,推子将变为对数曲线,因此线性移动会产生恒定的dB曲线。
You can also display pan fader units either as ranging from 100%L to 100%R or from -90 dB to +90 dB.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2022-4-29 10:11:38

22.7.6 Appearance, Track Meters
22.7.6 外观:轨道仪表
These options will determine various aspects of your track panel meters appearance and behavior.
● Meter update frequency: determines the meter refresh rate, measured in Hz. The higher the value, the more frequent the updates.
●仪表更新频率: 确定仪表刷新率,单位为Hz。值越高,更新频率就越高。
● Meter decay: determines the rate at which the meter display will decay, measured in dB/sec. The higher the value, the faster the meters will decay.
●仪表衰减速度: 确定仪表显示衰减的速率,单位为dB/sec。数值越高,仪表的衰减速度就越快。
● Meter minimum value: determines the lowest value metered, in dB.
●仪表最小值: 确定仪表的最低值,单位为dB。
● Meter maximum value: determines the highest value metered, in dB.
●仪表最大值: 确定仪表的最高值,单位为dB。
● Scale gain reduction from plugins: Gain reduction from a plug-in that passes to the host will be displayed in the track meter.
●插件的增益衰减缩放级别: 传递到主机的插件的增益衰减将显示在轨道仪表中。
● Show track input when track is armed: shows the recording source when the track is armed.
●当轨道预备时显示轨道输入: 当轨道未预备时显示录制源。
● Make obvious that track is clickable: draws a faint box around recording source name.
●更明显的表示轨道输入可以单击: 在录音源名称周围画一个模糊的方框。
● Show dB scales on track meters: dB scale will be marked on your track VU meters.
●在轨道仪表上显示dB刻度: dB刻度将标记在轨道VU表上。
● Show dB scales on rec armed track meters: dB scale will be marked on meters.
●在录音预备的轨道仪表上显示dB刻度: 仪表上将标记dB刻度。
● Show MIDI velocity on track meters: when MIDI velocity is present this will be indicated by a thin line.
●在轨道仪表上显示MIDI力度: 当MIDI力度存在时,这将由一条细线指示。
● Show MIDI output on track meters: shown as a thin line for velocity and a small square for others .
●在轨道仪表上显示MIDI输出活动: 以细线表示力度,以小方块表示其他。
● Sticky clip indicators: enabled this ensures that peaks on the VU meter are marked with a bar for a few moments after they have passed.
●粘性削波指示器: 启用此功能后可确保VU表上的峰值在经过后的几分钟内用条形标记。
● Track meters display pre-fader levels: fader setting will not affect meter display.
●轨道仪表显示推子前的电平: 推子设置不会影响仪表显示。

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-12-19 17:40:30

22.7.7 Appearance, Envelope Color Overrides
22.7.7 外观:包络颜色覆盖
In this window you can define your own rules for coloring automation envelopes. See Automation and Envelope Tips in Chapter 19.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-12-19 17:40:37

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