琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:23:27

22.2 常规首选项——REAPER用户手册中文版

22.2 General Preferences
22.2 常规首选项

Most of these settings fall into one of the following categories:
● Language: Select from list any available language, or option to prompt when REAPER is loaded. There is also a URL link to Download language packs.
●语言: 从列表中选择任何可用的语言,或选择加载REAPER时提示的选项。还有一个下载语言包的URL链接。
【译者注: 为了配合本中文版用户手册的阅读与理解,强烈建议选择“szzyyzz.com简体中文”。】
● Import and Export. Use these buttons to save and export your various settings and configs to a ReaperConfigZip file, or to import them from such a previously saved file (more details on next page).
● Undo Settings. These are explained in Chapter 2 and re-examined near the end of this chapter.
● Startup Settings. Enable or disable various options. Open projects on startup allows you to choose from Last active project, Last project tabs (i.e. all projects open when REAPER was last closed), New project ignoring default template, New project, or Prompt. Choosing Prompt will cause you on startup to be offered a choice which includes last active project, last project tabs, a new project (using or ignoring the default project template), any project template, or any file on the recent projects list.
●启动设置。启用或禁用各种选项。“启动时打开的工程”允许您在以下选项中进行选择:“最后活跃的工程”、“最后一个工程选项卡”(即上次关闭REAPER时打开的所有工程)、“新建工程(忽略默认模板)”、“新建工程”或“提示”。选择“提示”,将在启动时为您提供一个选项,其中包括: “最后活跃的工程”、“最后一个工程选项卡”、“新建工程(使用或忽略默认工程模板)”、“任何工程模板”或“近期工程”列表中的任何文件。
● Other options include Show splash screen on startup, Skip animation and Automatically check for new versions of REAPER. There is also an option to Create new project tab when opening media (directly) from Windows Explorer or MacOS Finder.
● Check for multiple instances: disable this to let more than one REAPER instance to run at same time.
●启动时检查是否有多个实例在运行: 禁用此选项可允许多个REAPER实例同时运行。
● Recent Project List. Specifies maximum number of projects on your File, Recent projects list. Click on Recent project list display button for options to Display project title (from project settings), Display file name or Full path or Full name and full path, or to Clear recent project list. There are also options to Add to recent list when loading projects, Add to recent list when using ‘Save copy of project’, and Remove old project from recent list when using ‘Save new version of project.’
● Warn when memory usage high: Suggested settings are 1800 for 32 bit, 3800 for 64-bit REAPER.
●内存使用量超过此值时警告: 对于32位REAPER,建议设置为1800;对于64位REAPER,建议设置为3800。
● Advanced UI System Tweaks. These allow for a number of options, including the scaling of UI elements such as your icons and panels. We'll deal with these later in this chapter.
●高级UI/系统调整...: 这些允许许多选项,包括缩放UI元素,如图标和面板。我们将在本章后面讨论这些问题。
The array of preferences and options available to you is vast. The Find box (bottom left) can be your best friend in searching for what you want. For example, type solo to find only those preference options pertaining to solo. Type solo OR mute to find both solo and mute preferences. Every time you click the Find button, the next relevant preference will be highlighted. For more details and tips, see the section Using Search Filters.
您可以使用大量的首选项和选项。“查找”框(左下角)可以成为您搜索所需内容的得力助手。例如,键入“独奏”以仅查找与“独奏”相关的首选项选项。键入“ 独奏 OR 静音 ”,以查找“独奏”和“静音”的首选项。每次单击“查找”按钮时,下一个相关的首选项都会高亮显示。有关更多详细信息和提示,请参阅“使用搜索过滤器”一节。

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:25:17

22.2.1 Import and Export Configuration
22.2.1 导入和导出配置
Export configuration can be used to export to a .ReaperConfig.Zip file any permutation of your settings.
Import configuration can be used to import a previously saved settings file back into REAPER. This can also be done by dragging and dropping a .ReaperConfig.zip file from Explorer or Finder into REAPER's arrange window. You will be prompted to confirm that you really want to do this.
Any permutation of the following elements can be selected for inclusion in a ReaperConfig.zip file: Configuration Color themes Plug-in presets FX Chains JS FX Project and track templates Miscellaneous data Cursors and key maps Menus and toolbars Actions and key bindings Menu sets Channel mappings ReaScripts Language Packs Media Explorer Databases Web Interface Pages Automation Items MIDI Note/CC Names.
可以选择以下元素的任意排列,以包含在ReaperConfig.zip文件中: 配置、颜色主题、插件预置、FX链、JS FX、工程和轨道模板、杂项数据、光标和键映射、菜单和工具栏、操作和键绑定、菜单集、通道映射、ReaScripts脚本、语言包、媒体资源管理器数据库、网络接口页面、自动化对象、MIDI音符/CC名称。
In the first column, tick the categories to be included. The second column will then show you which files have been selected for inclusion in your ReaperConfig.zip file. After making all your selections in the first column, use the Save button to create the file.
Import and export configuration exists side by side with the individual import/export options that are available within many of REAPER's different elements. For example, to export only your actions and key bindings you would be most likely to use the Import/export... button within the Actions window.
If, on the other hand, you wish to export your actions and key bindings along with various other settings, such as perhaps menu sets, FX chains and ReaScripts (perhaps to be imported into REAPER on another computer), then you would be more likely to use the screen shown above.
Tip: It can be a good idea to create a .ReaperConfig.zip file that includes all the above elements and keep a copy as a backup on a CD, external hard drive or flash drive (or all three!) in case of system failure.
提示: 最好创建一个包含上述所有元素的.reaperConfig.zip文件,并将其作为备份保存在CD、外置硬盘或闪存驱动器(或这三个驱动器)上。以防系统出现故障。

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:25:31

22.2.2 Paths
22.2.2 路径
You can set (separately) default paths for REAPER to use when saving new projects, rendering, recording, and/or for storage of waveform peaks. The last of these will only be applied if under Preferences, Media the option to Store all peak caches in alternate path is enabled.
If no render path is specified, the project directory will be used.
You can set a relative path for rendering. For example, if you specify an existing directory C:\Reaper Mixes as your default render path, then this will be used as a default relative path when you open the File, Render dialog box. If you accept this default when rendering, a sub-directory of that name will be created in the project directory. For example, if you have a project called Hello stored in a folder C:\REAPER Projects\Hello, then your rendered file(s) for that project will be placed in a directory C:\REAPER Projects\Hello\Mixes.
可以设置渲染的相对路径。例如,如果指定现有目录“C:\Reaper Mixes”作为默认渲染路径,则在打开“文件,渲染”对话框时,该路径将用作默认相对路径。如果在渲染时接受此默认设置,则将在工程目录中创建该名称的子目录。例如,如果有一个名为“Hello”的工程存储在文件夹“C:\REAPER Projects\Hello”中,则该工程的渲染文件将放置在目录“C:\REAPER Projects\Hello\Mixes”中。
Alternatively, if you specify (for example) C:\Reaper Mixes as the default render path, then by default, C:\Mixes will be used as the absolute output directory for rendered files, regardless of where the project is located.
或者,如果指定(例如)“C:\Reaper Mixes”作为默认渲染路径,则默认情况下,无论工程位于何处,“C:\Mixes”都将用作渲染文件的绝对输出目录。

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:55:39

22.2.3 Keyboards/Multitouch
22.2.3 键盘/多点触控
This page consists of two main sections - Keyboard and Multitouch.
The keyboard section includes the following:
Commit changes to some edit fields after 1 second of typing. Enabled, this allows, for example, a play rate to be typed in to the relevant Transport Bar field without your needing to press Enter Use alternate keyboard section when recording.
You must enable this if you wish to use your Main (Alt recording) keyboard shortcuts when recording.
Prevent ALT key from focussing main menu. Enabling this will stop the main menu getting focus when the Alt key is pressed.
Allow space key to be used for navigation in various windows.
When space key is pressed in plug-in text fields, send to main window.
Clicking on either of the two links will open the action list editor (Assign keyboard shortcuts ….) or your web browser with a list of keyboard shortcuts (View keyboard shortcuts as …. ).
The other section allows you to customize the behavior of a Multitouch trackpad or similar device. Refer to the Preferences, General, Keyboard window and your device's documentation for a list of options.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-12-16 14:04:00

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