琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:21:46

22.1 简介——REAPER用户手册中文版

22.1 Introduction
22.1 简介

At several places in this User Guide we have encountered the use of preferences and settings. In this chapter, you will learn other ways in which you can use REAPER’s preferences and other settings to tailor the program more closely to your particular requirements. Don't worry about the sheer number of options available. In many cases, you’ll probably be perfectly happy to leave the program settings as they are and just let it run. Not all of the options and preferences are covered in this chapter. If you need any further information about any of REAPER's other preferences and settings, go to the REAPER WIKI or the REAPER forums.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-5 10:55:28

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