琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-4 13:41:27

19.13 使用插件参数进行参数调制——REAPER用户手册中文版

19.13 Parameter Modulation from Plug-in Parameters
19.13 使用插件参数进行参数调制

This example uses MIDI buses. It builds on the model presented in Example 2 (above).
Using REAPER’s MIDI Bus architecture you can use parameter modulation to control one instrument’s parameters with messages produced by and sent from another. For example, you could use the volume of synth 1 to control, say, the volume of synth 2. Adding an envelope can automate this process.
Synth 2 (in this example) receives its MIDI input on MIDI bus 3. We therefore direct MIDI output from synth 1 to MIDI Bus 3 (see right). You can then select the control on Synth 2 (in this example, volume), click on the Param button and choose Parameter modulation/MIDI link to use parameter modulation to accept the incoming data from Synth 1 (shown below right).
Parameter Modulation (Audio)
Audio parameter modulation, of course, is a separate issue from MIDI buses, but it is worth remembering that you can include both types of parameter modulation within a single FX chain.
We can add REAPER’s audio routing capabilities into the model. The example above includes ReaVerbate. By sidechaining audio output to additional channels, we use the audio signal on channels 3/4 from one or more synth to control the wet/dry reverb mix. Alternately, by setting up separate sidechains (3/4, and 5/6) for each synth, you could use the audio streams from the different synths to control different parameters on your various VST plug-ins.
Note: By default, REAPER uses MIDI Bus 1 for routing MIDI data. Whenever you are not presented with a choice of buses (for example, when recording MIDI data) you should assume it is using Bus 1.
注: 默认情况下,REAPER使用MIDI总线1路由MIDI数据。当您没有看到总线选择时(例如,在录制MIDI数据时),您应该假设它使用的是总线1。
You can download a project file with a completed version of this example at:

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-4 13:53:34

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