琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-4 13:28:26

19.11 使用侧链音频控制进行参数调制——REAPER用户手册中文版

19.11 Parameter Modulation under Sidechain Audio Control
19.11 使用侧链音频控制进行参数调制

This next example introduces another application for Parameter Modulation. In this case, we will use the audio signal from one track (a vocal track) to shape the sound of an instrument submix (that is, a folder track containing several instruments). This will be done in such a way as to cause the instruments to appear to pull back slightly during the vocal passages.
1. Open the file All Through The Night MOD1 and save it as All Through The Night MOD2.
1.打开文件All Through The Night MOD1,并将其另存为All Through The Night MOD2。
2. Remove or set to bypass the delay plug-in in the Bouzouki track's FX chain.
3. Insert a new track after the vocal track. Name this track Instruments and make it into a folder. Insert the three instrument tracks into this folder, as shown on the right.
4. Add an instance of ReaComp to the Bouzouki track. This is needed only because the volume of this instrument increases quite significantly as the song progresses. We wish to pull this back a little.
5. Set a threshold of around -15dB and a ratio of around 4:1.
6. Select the Instruments folder and display its routing window. Set the number of track channels to 4 and add a receive from channels 1/2 of the Vox track to channels 3/4 of the Instruments folder.
7. Open the FX Window for the Instruments folder and add an instance of JS: Exciter (Treble enhancer). This will be used to brighten up the instrument a little.
8. Settings similar to those shown here will definitely brighten the instruments, perhaps more than you would like. For the sake of this exercise, however, these levels should be fine.
9. We are now going to use parameter modulation to ensure that audio signal from the vocal track drives down the mix level of the exciter. This will have the effect of helping the vocal to just float over the instruments a little.
10. Click on the Mix % (Wet/Dry rotary) control, then on the Param button and choose Parameter modulation/MIDI link from the menu.
10.单击“Mix %”(湿声/干声旋钮)控件,然后单击“参数”按钮,然后从菜单中选择“参数调制/MIDI链接”。
11. When the PM window is opened, enable parameter modulation and choose Audio control signal (sidechain). Move the baseline value fader about a third of the way to the right.
12. Select Track audio channels 3/4 and make the direction Negative.
13. Adjust the other parameters so that as the vocal floats above the instruments the Mix % of the Exciter is smoothly and gently faded down.
13.调整其他参数,以便当人声漂浮在乐器上方时,激励器的“Mix %”平稳而温和地减弱。
14. One possible solution to this exercise is shown below. But don't just dive straight in and copy these settings. Try to get there by yourself!
15. Save the file when you are finished.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-4 13:53:20

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