琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-4 12:56:26

18.35 对象片段和片段FX参数的自动化——REAPER用户手册中文版

18.35 Automation with Item Take and Take FX Parameters
18.35 对象片段和片段FX参数的自动化

Individual media items and takes can be given their own Volume, Pan, Pitch and Mute envelopes. Right click over the item, choose the Take command, and then select your required envelope from the menu. Alternatively, you can click on the item's envelope button (if visible) and make your selection from there. Item buttons can be selected to be displayed from the Appearance, Media page of your Preferences window.
Envelopes with Media Items
In the example (right), a pan envelope is added using the Take, Take pan envelope command. The item is panned first away from the center then back towards it. The envelope can be edited (points added, moved, and so on) like any other. Right-click over any envelope point or segment for the context menus. You can have different envelopes for different takes of the same item.
Envelopes with Multiple Takes
In the example shown here, separate Pan envelopes have been added to the both takes for the last verse of a song, with different FX. The combination of the different panning and the touch of ReaVerbate added to one of the takes can make for an interesting vocal effect when the Play all takes option (media item properties) is enabled for this item.
To copy item take envelopes from one item to another on the same track, use Ctrl drag from envelopes button to envelopes button. To move envelopes, use Alt drag. Display of these buttons can be enabled on the Appearance, Media page of your Preferences window.
Tip 1: To automatically create an envelope for any FX parameter adjusted on the fly during playback, enable the Preferences, Editing behavior, Automation option Automatically add envelopes when tweaking parameters in automation write modes, then set track automation mode to touch, latch or write.
提示1: 要自动为播放期间实时调整的任何FX参数创建包络,请启用“首选项”、“编辑行为”、“自动化”中的“在自动写入模式下调整参数时,自动添加包络”选项,然后将轨道自动化模式设置为“触碰”、“锁存”或“写入”。
Tip 2: To add a parameter adjust/control button for any FX parameter to the track's control panel simply select the UI box in the track's envelopes window. This allows you to create or modify envelopes on the fly without needing to open the FX window.
提示2: 要为轨道的控制面板添加任何FX参数的参数调整/控制按钮,只需在轨道的包络窗口中选择UI框即可。这允许您在不需要打开FX窗口的情况下实时创建或修改包络。
Tip 3: If you use Ctrl Shift Drag to copy an FX from one track or item to another, then any and all FX parameter envelopes associated with that FX will be copied with it.
提示3: 如果您使用按住Ctrl+Shift键拖动将FX从一个轨道或对象复制到另一个轨道或对象,则与该FX关联的任何和所有FX参数包络都将与其一起复制。
Envelopes with Per Take FX Parameters
Parameters on FX that have been added to individual takes can also be automated. These can be edited manually, with points being added by hand in trim/read mode, or recorded in write, latch or touch mode. The procedures for manually editing or write/recording item/take FX parameter envelopes is essentially the same as those used with track FX parameters. Parameters can be selected for automation in either of two ways:
● From the media item's Envelopes for takes window. To display this, click on the automation envelopes button (if visible), or you can choose Take, Take envelopes... from the take's right-click menu, or
● Display the track's FX chain (Shift E), select the required FX, then select the required parameter envelope from the Param button menu. Note that Learn mode is also supported.
Tip 1: Any FX chain can be copied from one media item to another by dragging and dropping the FX from the first item's FX chain to the second item. An entire chain can be copied by dragging and dropping the item's FX button.
提示1: 通过将FX从第一个对象的FX链拖放到第二个对象,可以将任何FX链从一个媒体对象复制到另一个媒体对象。通过拖放对象的FX按钮,可以复制整个链。
Tip 2: Envelopes can then be copied from one media item to another by dragging and dropping the envelopes button.
提示2: 通过拖放包络按钮,可以将包络从一个媒体对象复制到另一个媒体对象。
Tip 3: The action Envelopes: View envelopes for last touched track/item will open the envelopes window for that track or item (depending on what was last touched). This is a “one stop shop” where you can add or remove envelopes, including FX parameter envelopes, to that track or item as you wish. This action can be assigned a keyboard shortcut and/or added to a toolbar.
提示3: 操作“包络: 查看最后触碰轨道/对象的包络”将打开该轨道或对象的包络窗口(取决于最后触碰的内容)。这是一个“一站式商店”,您可以在其中添加或移除包络,包括FX参数包络,根据您的意愿添加或移除该轨道或对象。此操作可以分配键盘快捷键或添加到工具栏。

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-4 13:16:25

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查看完整版本: 18.35 对象片段和片段FX参数的自动化——REAPER用户手册中文版