琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-4 11:18:49

18.24 将点从一个包络复制到另一个包络——REAPER用户手册中文版

18.24 Copying Points From One Envelope to Another
18.24 将点从一个包络复制到另一个包络

To copy a single point from one envelope to another (or to another location on the same envelope you need simply to:
● Select the point and press Ctrl C.
● Select the required position along the timeline in the destination envelope and press Ctrl V.
For more sophisticated tasks such as copying a range of points from one envelope to another you will need to use the Actions List (Chapter 15). This example uses the action Envelope - Copy points within time selection. You can assign a keyboard shortcut to this action if you wish.
对于更复杂的任务,如将一系列点从一个包络复制到另一个包络,您需要使用操作列表(第15章)。本例使用操作“包络: 复制时间选区内的点”。如果愿意,您可以为此操作指定键盘快捷键。
To copy a range of points from one envelope to the other, or to a different position on the same envelope:
● Make the time selection containing the points and select the envelope. Run the action Envelope - Copy points within time selection.
●创建包含这些点的时间选区,然后选择包络。运行操作“包络: 复制时间选区内的点”。
● Select the required position along the timeline in the destination envelope and press Ctrl V.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-4 13:13:58

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