琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-4 11:06:49

18.13 在包络上使用鼠标——REAPER用户手册中文版

18.13 Using the Mouse with Envelopes
18.13 在包络上使用鼠标

The above exercise has introduced you to some examples, but there are many other techniques and mouse tricks that can be used for manipulating and managing envelopes and their nodes. This table is a summary of the most important. For a fully comprehensive list, consult the Mouse Modifiers page of your Preferences.
In order to do this ... ….you need to do this
为了做到这一点...    你需要这样做...
Select all points on envelope inside time selection. Click and drag in envelope lane (not on envelope itself) to create time selection.
Draw and shape envelope in freehand mode. Ctrl Drag anywhere on, above or below the envelope
Add a point. Shift Click on envelope.
Delete envelope point. Alt Click on any envelope point.
Select multiple envelope points. Hold Ctrl and click on envelope points one at a time.
Select all points in an envelope. Click on any point in an envelope, then press Ctrl A.
Select all points within the lasso area. Click on a point, then use right-click-drag to lasso (marquee) a portion of an envelope. Release mouse.
Apply an envelope command to a selection of points. When you have several points selected, right click over any selected point.
Move a point or selection of points freely. Click and drag any point in the selection.
Finely adjust a point's vertical position. Ctrl Alt Drag on any envelope point.
Allow an envelope point to be moved vertically or horizontally only. Click and hold mouse on any envelope point, hold both the Ctrl and Shift keys while then dragging any envelope point either vertically or horizontally.
Reset point to center (default value). Double-click on envelope point.
Most of these defaults can be changed in your Editing Behavior, Mouse Modifiers preferences settings.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-4 13:12:08

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