琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-4 10:55:07

18.9 锁存预览模式——REAPER用户手册中文版

18.9 Latch Preview Mode
18.9 锁存预览模式

This mode lets you try out changes to parameter values (e.g. volume level or pan position) without writing them to envelopes. When your parameter settings are right you can then use an action to write them to your envelope(s). Let's start by working thru a relatively simple example, before introducing some of the other options that are available.
1. We want to increase the volume of the featured instrument during the break. We have added a time selection and a volume envelope to the track and inserted points at the start and end of the break. Automation for the bouzouki is set to latch preview mode. If the automation button is not visible this can be set from the right click context menu.
2. We play the song, adjusting the volume control until we are happy with the level (in this case at +2.17dB). Notice, however, that the envelope has not yet been changed.
3. We now display the actions list (Actions, Show action list) and run Automation: Write current values for actively-writing envelopes to time selection. The envelope is now adjusted (see below). Finally we can reset the track automation to trim/read mode.
3.现在,我们将显示操作列表(“操作”、“显示操作列表”),并运行操作“自动化: 写入已主动记录到包络中的当前值到时间选区”。现在包络被调整了(见下文)。最后,我们可以将轨道自动化重置为“修剪/读取”模式。
You can use latch preview mode on more than one envelope on a track, or on more than one track. You might want to use “write to” options other than to time selection. Keeping this in mind, here is a summary of the main actions available. These can be assigned to keyboard shortcuts, toolbars, and/or menus (Chapter 15). Set/Write/Clear Automation Mode Actions (see Actions List for full list)
Set automation mode actions:
Automation: Set track automation mode to …
自动化: 设置轨道自动化模式为... [“锁存”或“锁存预览”或“读取”或“触碰”或“修剪/读取”或“写入”]模式
Automation: Set all tracks automation mode to … [latch or latch preview or read or touch or trim/read or write)
自动化: 设置全部轨道的自动化模式为... [“锁存”或“锁存预览”或“读取”或“触碰”或“修剪/读取”或“写入”]
Global automation override: All automation in… … mode
全局自动化覆盖: 全部自动化处于... [“锁存”或“锁存预览”或“读取”或“触碰”或“修剪/读取”或“写入”]模式
Automation write actions:
Automation: write current values for actively-writing envelopes to
自动化: 写入已主动记录到包络中的当前值到 [“整个工程”或“时间选区”]
Automation: write current values for actively-writing envelopes from cursor to
自动化: 写入已主动记录到包络中的当前值,从光标处到 [“整个工程”或“第一个触碰点位置”或“工程开始位置”]
Automation: write current values for all writing envelopes
自动化: 写入全部已记录到包络中的当前值 [“从光标到工程结束位置”或“从光标到工程开始位置”或“到时间选区”]
Options: Preserve trailing values when recording automation.
选项: 录制自动化时保留尾随值。
Latch clear actions:
Automation: Clear envelope latches
自动化: 清除 [“轨道”或“全部轨道”]包络“锁存”
These options together should provide you with all you need for your latch automation preview requirements. For a greater in-depth understanding of this and other advanced automation features, go to

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-4 13:11:35

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