琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-4 10:39:43

18.2 轨道包络窗口——REAPER用户手册中文版

18.2 The Track Envelopes Window
18.2 轨道包络窗口

Any track’s envelopes can be managed from the Envelopes Window for that track. This is opened by clicking on the track’s Envelope (Trim) button in either the TCP or MCP. You can use this window, for example to:
? Set the Automation mode for the track.
? Create an envelope (e.g. for Volume, Pan or Mute for a track or send).
? To show or hide an envelope from view.
? To Arm an envelope or Disarm it.
This envelopes window includes buttons that can be used for such global options as showing or hiding all envelopes on that track. These issues will be explained and explored in the pages that follow.
The Highlight box can be used to help you find what you are looking for more easily. For example, type volume in the highlight box and all items whose name includes volume will be highlighted.
高亮显示框可用于帮助您更轻松地找到您要查找的内容。例如,在高亮显示框中键入“ 音量 ”,名称中包含“音量”的所有项目都将高亮显示。
Any plug-ins that have been placed in the track’s FX chain will also be listed in this window. In this example, we have ReaEQ. Click on the small + symbols next to the plug-in’s name to open up a list of plug-in parameters for which you can also create envelopes. We’ll see some examples of this soon.
Where FX are present on the track, checking the option to Show last touched FX parameters only can help prevent screen clutter.
Tip: The shortcut keys V and P can be used to toggle the display of Volume and Pan envelopes
提示: 快捷键V和P可用于切换音量与声像包络的显示

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-4 13:10:37

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