琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-4 10:17:43

17.9 VSTi信号的进一步路由——REAPER用户手册中文版

17.9 Further VSTi Signal Routing
17.9 VSTi信号的进一步路由
The same technique that is used to send FX output to another track can also be used to send the output of a VSTi instrument before FX to another track, whilst also leaving the FX on the VSTi track. This is one possibility:
Click on the track channels drop down and select the number of channels required (for example, 6). In the track routing window you can then create a send from those channels (5/6) to channels 1 and 2 on another track.
VSTi output will now be directed without track FX to the other track, as well as (in this example) with track FX to the VSTi host track (via channels 1/2).
With up to 128 channels available, you will not lack flexible options!

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-4 10:33:46

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