琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-3 10:33:25

13.28 管理多个MIDI轨道和对象——REAPER用户手册中文版

13.28 Managing Multiple MIDI Tracks and Items
13.28 管理多个MIDI轨道和对象

The Track List
Track List display is toggled on and off by the Track List icon on the MIDI Editor toolbar, or from the Contents menu. Rightclick on the track list area to open the Track List context menu (shown here). If you need to override the preferences default setting, you can specify whether you want One MIDI editor per media item, track, or project.
Behavior for “open items in built-in MIDI editor” options are to open Clicked item only, All selected MIDI items, All MIDI items on same track as clicked item or All MIDI in project. Th ese options are also found on the MIDI editor Contents menu.
“在内联MIDI编辑器中打开对象”的行为,包含的选项是: 打开“仅单击的MIDI对象”、“全部选中的MIDI对象”、“与单击对象在同一轨道上的全部MIDI对象”或“工程中的全部MIDI”。这些选项也可以从MIDI编辑器的“内容”菜单中找到。
Two mutually exclusive options from the MIDI Editor Options menu are repeated here: these are Draw and edit CC events on all tracks and Edit CC events on all tracks. You can enable neither or one of these at a time, but not both.
这里重复了MIDI编辑器“选项”菜单中的两个相互排斥的选项:他们是: “在全部轨道上显示与编辑CC事件”与“在全部轨道上编辑CC事件”您可以同时启用这两个选项中的任何一个,但不能同时启用这两个选项。
You can run the action Choose which tracks appear in track list to hide tracks from or restore them to the track list. Selecting this command causes the X symbol to be displayed beside each track name. This toggles track display. In its default gray state, the track is marked for display, when red it will be marked to be hidden.
After making your selection, again select Choose which tracks appear in track list from the context menu to implement this selection. Those tracks marked with a red X will now be hidden. The command Show all tracks in track list will restore them to view. Also, you can choose whether to Show tooltips in MIDI track list.
The Options when using one MIDI editor per project command (also on the MIDI editor Contents menu) includes further ways in which you can specify MIDI Editor behavior when selecting and editing items:
Item selection toggle commands are Active MIDI item follows selection changes in arrange view, Selection is linked to visibility and Selection is linked to editability. Select any, all or none of these.
If both selection link options are set to off, then all items displayed in the piano roll can be edited. However If item selection is linked to visibility, items which are visible but not editable will be displayed in the piano roll window but cannot be edited (e.g. moved or deleted).
If item selection is set to editability, then those items defined as editable will be displayed and can also be edited. Items defined only as visible will be displayed but cannot be edited.
● Item editing toggle options are Only MIDI items on the same track as the active item are editable and Close editor when active MIDI item is deleted in arrange view. Enable both or neither of these. In the example shown here (left) three tracks are listed and displayed, containing in total seven MIDI items. The Piano and Bass tracks holds three items each. The Flute just one item.
● 对象编辑切换选项为 “只有与活跃对象在同一轨道上的MIDI对象才可编辑”与“在排列视图中删除活跃媒体对象时关闭编辑器”。同时启用或不启用这两个选项。在这里显示的示例中(左)列出并显示了三条轨道,总共包含七个MIDI对象。Piano和Bass轨道各包含三个对象。Flute只有一个对象。
● The symbol that contains an arrow (to the left of each track name) opens and closes a list of MIDI items on that track.
● 包含箭头的符号(位于每条轨道名称的左侧)打开和关闭该轨道上的MIDI对象列表。
● This track list operates in much the same way as does the arrange view track list. Click on any item name to select it, or on any track name to select all items on a track. You can use control+click or shift+click to build a selection. The first item in a built selection will be made active, but you can change this by clicking on the “make active” icon of any other item. You can then use the various other icons to set qualities such as icon color, solo, mute or editability for the entire selection. The small colored square to the right of an item name opens the color picker: this can be used to select a different color to be used for this item in the Media Item Lane.
● 此轨道列表的操作方式与排列视图轨道列表大致相同。单击任何对象名称以选择它,或单击任何轨道名称以选择轨道上的所有对象。您可以使用Ctrl+单击或Shift+单击来构建选择。生成的选择中的第一个对象将被激活,但您可以通过单击任何其他对象的“激活”图标来更改此设置。然后,您可以使用各种其他图标来设置整个选择的属性,如图标颜色、独奏、静音或可编辑性。对象名称右侧的彩色小方块打开颜色选择器:这可用于在媒体对象子轨中为该对象选择不同的颜色。
● The column to the right of the color picker is the “make active” column. Click here to make any item current for inserting events (shown by the green arrow). It will then also be made editable and visible.
● 颜色选择器右侧的列是“激活”列。单击此处可使任何对象成为插入事件的当前对象(如绿色箭头所示)。然后,它也将成为可编辑和可见的。
● Click in the next column to the right of this to make any item visible and editable, indicated by the green unlocked padlock icon. If contents do not appear visible, check 1) the scroll settings for the MIDI editor window, and 2) the channel filter, to ensure that the required channel is included in the filter. This same green icon can then be used to toggle editability.
● 单击该栏右侧的下一列,使任何对象都可见并可编辑,如绿色解锁挂锁图标所示。如果内容不可见,请检查1)MIDI编辑器窗口的滚动设置,以及2)通道过滤器,以确保所需通道包含在过滤器中。这个相同的绿色图标可以用来切换可编辑性。
● The eye symbol to the right of this toggles the visibility of any item (or item selection) in the MIDI Editor. The gray/red circle to the right of this (for tracks) toggles record arm status for that track. This is used in conjunction with the Record button on the Arrange view Transport Bar.
● 此按钮右侧的眼睛符号,用于切换MIDI编辑器中任何对象(或对象选择)的可见性。右侧的灰色/红色圆圈(用于轨道)可切换该轨道的录音预备状态。此选项与排列视图走带栏上的录音按钮配合使用。
● Use the M button to the right of this to toggle mute status for individual tracks or items. Use the S button to the right of this to toggle solo status for any track.
● 使用右侧的M按钮可切换各条轨道或对象的静音状态。使用右侧的S按钮可以切换任何轨道的独奏状态。

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-3 11:12:41

13.28.1 The Media Item Lane
13.28.1 媒体对象子轨
The media item lane (Contents menu) displays the MIDI items and their position in the arrangement. Clicking on any item highlights, selects it but does not make it active. As with the track list, you can use control+click or shift+click to build a selection. The individual media item right click context menu offers you various options for setting items to custom colors or random colors.
The Media Item Lane duplicates most of the features of the Track List, including the color picker, target, padlock and eye icons.
The Contents menu also includes (at the bottom) a list of MIDI items that are currently open. Selecting any item from this menu makes it active and displays its contents in the piano roll window.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-12-22 17:03:30

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