琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-3 10:06:36

13.10 MIDI CC子轨:提示和技巧——REAPER用户手册中文版

13.10 MIDI CC Lanes: Tips & Tricks
13.10 MIDI CC子轨:提示和技巧

REAPER's MIDI CC lanes additional features are described here. There are also a number of preferences to determine how - and how many - CC lanes are displayed. At least one lane will always be displayed in arrange view (space permitting).
这里描述了REAPER的MIDI CC子轨的附加功能。还有许多首选项可用于确定如何显示CC子轨以及显示多少条CC子轨。在排列视图中将始终显示至少一条子轨(空间允许的话)。

琴韵晓波 发表于 2021-7-3 11:09:19

13.10.1 General CC Lane Editing Techniques
13.10.1 常规CC子轨编辑技术
Many of the CC message types - such as Mod Wheel, Breath, Portamento, Pan, Volume etc. - can be expressed either as a continuous range of values or as discrete items . For messages of this type there are a number of standard techniques you can use to enter, edit or delete them.
? To make a single entry, double click in the appropriate CC lane at the required point. The nearer the top of the lane, the higher the value of the message. The entry point can then be dragged as required (right). To delete a point, use Alt click.
? To add a point to an existing envelope, Shift click on the envelope. To edit a point and view/change any of its properties, Shift double-click.
? To enter data as a continuous sweep, use mouse pencil to click and drag (below right).
? To delete a message, right click over it. Alt right click sweep will delete a series of messages.
? For items that take discrete values only (e.g. Velocity), doubleclick to enter a data point, click drag up/down to change value.
? Double-click in the CC lane header area (left of event display) to select all events.
? For vertical zoom within a CC lane use Ctrl Mouse wheel: for horizontal zoom use Ctrl Alt Mouse wheel. For scroll use Alt Mouse wheel.
对于CC子轨上的垂直缩放,使用Ctrl+鼠标滚轮: 对于水平缩放,使用Ctrl+Alt+鼠标滚轮。要滚动,请使用Alt+鼠标滚轮。

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-20 09:53:18

13.10.2 Right Click Marquee Selection
13.10.2 右键单击选框选择
Right-click and drag within any CC lane to select multiple events. You can work with your selection in the CC lane, as well as (if appropriate) in the piano view window. For example, if the CC lane displays Velocity, then there will be one event shown in the CC lane for each note in the piano view. Selecting events in the CC lane will select those same events in piano roll view. You can work with selected events in the MIDI Editor or in the CC lane itself. For example you can:
? Delete them or adjust their values (up or down).
? Right click over the CC lane for a context menu (see right), including nudge or move events.
? Click and drag to move the selection left or right, control click and drag to copy.
The exact behavior depends on whether individual CC events are directly linked to individual notes. For example this would usually apply to velocity events but not to pitch change events. Thus, you would need to move the notes in the piano view window and the velocity events would move with them. You would move pitch change events in the CC lane itself.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-20 09:53:31

13.10.3 Managing CC Lanes
13.10.3 管理CC子轨
The CC Lane dropdown menu includes Set lane (lanes with events) which will display a list of all lanes that already contain data, whether they are currently displayed or not. Shown here, this includes Velocity, Off Velocity and Pitch. Select one to display that lane.
When using the pitch lane, you can set a custom pitchwheeel range (in semitones), by right clicking over the text “Snap” and typing a number.
Optionally, you can also engage the snap option. Additionally, the MIDI actions list includes actions for doing this.
To scroll through the list of available CC lanes: to do this, hover your mouse over the currently displayed name and scroll with the mousewheel (see left).
要滚动可用CC子轨的列表: 为此,请将鼠标悬停在当前显示的名称上,然后使用鼠标滚轮滚动(请参见左侧)。

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-20 09:53:42

13.10.4 Renaming CC Lanes
13.10.4 重命名CC子轨
You can rename CC Lanes, importing your preferred names from a previously saved note names file. This is explained in detail at the end of this chapter.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-20 09:53:57

13.10.5 14-bit CC Lanes and Actions
13.10.5 14位CC子轨和操作
The CC Lane drop down menu includes a complete range of options for 14-bit CC messages. These can be found at the end of the drop down list. There are also actions that can be used to select any message type for any lane. Use of the Actions List Editor is explained in detail in Chapter 15, but in brief:
1. From the MIDI Editor Actions menu choose Show action list …
2. In the Action List, select one of the actions CC: Set CC lane to ... (e.g. Set CC lane to 007 Volume 14-bit or Set CC lane to 007 Volume MSB). You can now assign a shortcut key to that action (see Chapter 15). Close the Action List Editor.
2.在“操作”列表中,选择“CC: 设置CC子轨为...”操作之一。(例如,设置CC子轨为007音量14位,或设置CC子轨为007音量MSB)。现在,您可以为该操作分配快捷键(参见第15章)。关闭操作列表编辑器。
3. Now you can at any time select a MIDI Editor CC lane and use the shortcut key to use that CC lane for the chosen message type: existing data will be displayed and new data can be inserted and/or edited.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-20 09:54:09

13.10.6 Resizing CC Lane Height
13.10.6 调整CC子轨高度
You have three options for changing the height of CC lanes. All involve clicking on the dotted “handle” (shown here) on the “ceiling” boundary above the CC lane in question. The mouse cursor becomes a vertical doubleheaded black arrow. You can then drag the mouse up or down. When you have only one CC lane displayed all three actions do exactly the same thing. However, when there are two or more CC lanes shown, these three actions will behave differently.
Control Click and Drag: Simply click and drag up/down to increase/decrease the portion of the MIDI Editor window used to show the selected CC lane. Increasing this portion will decrease the height of the piano roll window and vice versa. Other CC lane heights remains unaffected.
按住Ctrl键单击并拖动: 只需单击并向上/向下拖动,即可增加/减少MIDI编辑器窗口中用于显示所选CC子轨的部分。增加此部分将降低钢琴卷帘窗口的高度,反之亦然。其他CC子轨高度不受影响。
Shift Click and Drag: Shift click and drag up/down will increase/decrease the height of all CC lanes and adjust the height of the piano roll window accordingly.
按住Shift键单击并拖动: 按住Shift键,单击并向上/向下拖动,将增加/减少全部CC子轨的高度,并相应地调整钢琴卷帘窗口的高度。
Click and Drag: Control click and drag will adjust the height of just the one CC lane, leaving other CC lane heights unchanged.
单击并拖动: 按住Ctrl键,单击并拖动,将仅调整一条CC子轨的高度,而保持其他CC子轨高度不变。
【译者注:此处三行的原文貌似有问题: 第一行标注的是按住Ctrl单击并拖动,但后面描述的却是直接单击并拖动;第三行标注的是直接单击并拖动,但后面描述的是按住Ctrl单击并拖动。】
In addition, you can double-click on the dotted handle (also known as “grippy area”) of any open CC lane to toggle between viewing and minimising it.

琴韵晓波 发表于 2023-11-20 09:54:24

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